AHIC National Survey




Thank you for completing our survey!

The Australian Horse Industry Council (AHIC) represents the interests of equine people (just like you), and the health and welfare of all equines in the Australian equine community. The AHIC is made up of a collection of breed societies, performance and competition associations, equine businesses, recreational riders and service providers.

The AHIC is instrumental in responding to and preparing for current and emerging bio-security issues. We represent all our members (recreational and competitive) and drive regular ongoing discussions with Government bodies, the Industry Advisory Committee (IAC), other horse industry representatives (for example, Equestrian Australia, Racing Australia, Harness Racing Australia), Animal Health Australia (AHA) and others. We are here to advocate for you and your equines with equal representation at the highest level, to ensure that all involved in the Australian equine community have a voice. 

Who should complete this survey?

Any individual or business with an interest in the health and welfare of our equine partners.

You do not have to be an AHIC member, this survey is designed to provide a snapshot of the equine community outside of Racing. We will use this information to present the facts and your feedback of our equine community (which is the largest of them all), to the Government to assist us in increasing their knowledge around the vast and varied disciplines we undertake with our equine partners. The ramifications of decisions being made without consultation in our equine community are significant. The AHIC is on a mission to ensure all equine community needs are taken into consideration before the decisions are made.

Survey information

We have used equine in place of horses to capture horse, mules, ponies and donkeys.

Your survey responses are anonymous. The survey should only take approximately 5 minutes of your time and will be open from 7th September 2023 and close on 7th October 2023.

Please feel free to share this survey link with anyone who would like to fill it out.


We thank you in advance for your support of our industry and equine partners.

Source: PCV 15/9/2023